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Update: If you have to rearm Office SP1, please read my updated article. Things are quite different with Office Office is certainly the best Office suite out there. However, compared to Office it has one major drawback: Like Vista and Windows 7, Office has to be activated.
However, Office behaves a little different than Windows if it is not activated. Rearming Office , that is resetting the grace period, works similar as rearming Windows. In RFM Office, documents can only be viewed but not modified. Volume editions of Office don’t have an RFM. However, Office will start nagging users with messages after 25 days. You can just imagine how many helpdesk calls it will provoke if you don’t ensure that Office has been activated during this grace period.
Either way shouldn’t be doable within 25 days after the installation. However, it might be difficult to activate Office during the grace period if you deploy a pre-installed Office with an OS image. The grace period begins immediately after you installed Office on your master PC.
If you have to perform other configurations before you create the master image, then it is quite possible that 25 days is too short. You also have to take into account that it might take some time until Office finds a KMS host or until you activate it manually. This is where Office rearm comes in. This features allows you reset the grace timer to 30 days grace. If you rearm Office right before you create the OS master image, you can be sure that you have the full 25 days before users will bothered with Office activation notifications or before the retail edition goes into Reduced Functionality Mode after 30 days.
You will find some complicated instructions on the Web of how to rearm Office Most of these articles were written before Office was released. There are also third party tools that allow you to rearm Office However, I recommend following Microsoft’s instructions. This topic is too sensitive to rely on third party tools. To rearm Office , you only have to run ospprearm. This allows the KMS host to count Office correctly. Office rearm could also be useful if you installed Office Trial. The Office Professional Plus Trial comes with a special activation code that will allow you to test Office for 60 days.
There are reports on the web indicating that you can also rearm the trial version of Office Office Trial indeed comes with ospprearm. However I doubt that rearming will work after you used the trial activation code because rearming makes only sense with an Office installation that hasn’t been activated. You can run Office Trial without activating it but every time you launch the Office Activation Wizard will pop up. If you cancel this dialog, you can continue using the Office application.
I suppose this will only work for 30 days. If you have experience with rearming Office Trial, please let me know. Want to write for 4sysops? We are looking for new authors. Microsoft Intune provides fairly robust app deployment features that allow businesses to manage and control applications on remote clients The MS Office applications are complex and have grown over many years.
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You can use this feature to keep track I just finished reactivating Office Professional Plus. I have done it before without any issues only know I have NO keyboard functions. None of the keys work only the touch pad and buttons. Good day. I had my laptop cleaned and reloaded a while back due to a virus. The person doing it moved away since then and now i keep on gettig the red label stating that activation failed. I have rearmed a few times and now it would rearm no more.
Where do i get a code to activate the darn thing? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Bets. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Receive new post notifications. Please ask IT administration questions in the forums. Any other messages are welcome. Receive news updates via email from this site. Toggle navigation. Office activation is a new topic that many users and admins face. This article explains how you can activate Office and rearm Office Author Recent Posts.
Michael Pietroforte. Michael Pietroforte is the founder and editor in chief of 4sysops. He has more than 35 years of experience in IT management and system administration. Latest posts by Michael Pietroforte see all.
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