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Adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free –

Learn Flash Professional CS6 video tutorials. screen reader applications provide a demonstration version of the software as a free download; test as. Flash provides several preset workspaces, arranged for particular tasks or types of users. To switch between workspaces: 1. Start Flash and choose File > New . Program developed by Macromedia, Inc. Original use: making fast-loading Web Overview of the Adobe Flash Professional CS6 workspace In this guide.
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Adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free.Adobe Creative Suite
There’s also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. You use it to create animations, flzsh display video on a website, to create handheld apps, or to build a complete web-based application. Once the help panel opens, click Using Flash Professional. Guude start Flash just as you would any other program—which means you can do it in a few different ways, depending on whether you have a PC or a Mac.
Installing the program puts Flash CS6 and its related files in the folder with your other programs, and you can start it by double-clicking its icon. You can create a uaer or drag the file to the taskbar for quicker starting. You can make an alias or drag the file to the Dock for quicker starting. Figure The Flash Professional adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free is divided into three main areas: the stage, the timeline, and the Panels dock.
This entire adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free, together with the timeline, toolbars, and panels, is sometimes called the Flash desktop, the Flash interface, or the Flash authoring environment.
Here are some other Windows ways to start the program:. As you type, Windows searches for a match and адрес страницы a list with programs at the top. Most likely, the Flash program is at the top of the list and already selected, so just press Enter.
Otherwise, use your mouse or arrow keys to select and start the program. Want to hunt down Flash in the Finder? As you type, Spotlight displays a list of programs and files that match. Most likely, the Adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free program is at the top of the list and already selected, so just press Return. Otherwise, use the mouse or arrow keys to select and start the program. When you first start Flash, up pops the Welcome screen, shown in Figure This screen puts all your options—like starting a new document or returning to a work in progress—in one handy place.
For good measure, Adobe includes some links to help references and resources on its website. If Flash seems to take forever to open—or if the Flash desktop ignores your mouse clicks or responds sluggishly—you may not have enough memory installed on your computer.
When you choose one of the options, the Welcome screen disappears and your document takes its place. Here are your choices:. Create from Template. Clicking one of the little icons under this option lets you create a Flash document using a predesigned adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free called a template.
A template helps you create an animation more quickly, since a Flash developer has already done part of the work for you.
You can find out more about templates in Chapter 7. Open a Recent Item. Word free for windows 7 free you create new documents, Flash adds them to this list. Clicking one of the filenames listed here ffree Flash to open that file. Clicking the folder icon lets you browse for and open any other Flash file on your computer.
The options for creating new Flash documents and opening recent documents also appear on the File menu, as shown in Figure Several of the options on each menu include usef shortcuts that let you perform an action without having to mouse all the way up to the menu. Create New. Clicking one of the options listed here lets you create a brand-new Flash file. Most of the time, you want to choose the first option, ActionScript 3.
ActionScript is the underlying programming language for Flash animations. The current version of ActionScript is 3. You can use the ActionScript 2. For details on the file formats for different Flash projects, see the box below. Old programming pros—you know who you are—may have reasons to prefer ActionScript 2. Why are there so many different options under Create New on adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free Welcome screen?
What are they all for? There seem to be a bewildering number of options when you create a new Flash document. The other options are for special Flash projects targeted to specific devices, like iPhones, iPads, or Android devices. Some options are for specific programming needs, like creating an ActionScript class.
Creating an iPhone or iPad app? Use the Air for iOS option. Flash Lite 4 is similar to the iPhone format but works for several other handheld devices. The last two options, ActionScript 3.
Clicking the Flash Exchange link under this option tells Flash to open your web browser and load the Flash Exchange website. There, you can download Flash components, sound files, and other goodies that you can add to your Flash animations. Some are free, some are fee-based, and all of them are created by Flashionados just like you. As you might guess, these links lead to materials Adobe designed to help you get up and running.
Click adobw option, and your web browser opens to a page on the Adobe website. The first few topics introduce basic Flash concepts like symbols, instances, and timelines. Farther down the list, you find specific topics for building applications for mobile devices or websites AIR.
The best way to master the Flash CS6 Professional workspace is to divide and conquer. First, focus on the three main work areas: the stage, the timeline, and the Panels dock. Then you adboe gradually learn how to use all the tools microsoft sql server 2014 standard 4 core free those areas. One big source of vlash for Flash newbies is that the workspace is so easy to customize. You can open bunches of panels, windows, and toolbars.
You can move the timeline above the stage, or you can have it floating in a window all its own. Adobe, in its wisdom, created the Workspace Switcher—a tool that lets you rearrange the entire workspace with the click of a menu. The thinking is that an ideal workspace for a cartoon animator is different from the ideal workspace for, say, a rich internet application RIA developer.
The Workspace Switcher is a menu in the upper-right corner of the Flash window, next to the search box. The menu displays the name of the currently selected workspace; when you first start Flash, it probably says Essentials. Flash opens, displaying the Welcome screen. See Figuretop. From the Workspace menu near the upper-right corner of the Flash window, choose Classic.
The Classic arrangement harkens back to professiinal versions of Flash, when the timeline resided above the stage Figurebottom. If you wish, go ahead and check out some of the other layouts. Choose the Essentials workspace again. Back where you began, the Essentials workspace shows the timeline at the bottom. The stage takes up most of the main window. On the ccleaner windows 10 64 bit free полезный, the Panels dock holds toolbars and panels.
Adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free The Essentials workspace is the one used throughout this book. Bottom: The Classic workspace shows the timeline professiojal the stage, a look professionall to Flash Pro veterans. In the Panels dock, click the Properties tab and drag it to a new location on the screen. Panels can float, or they can dock to one of the edges of the window. Drag the Color and Swatches toolbars to new locations. Like the larger panels, toolbars can either dock or float.
You can drag them anywhere on your monitor, and you can expand and collapse them by adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free the double-triangle button in their top-right corners. Flash has dozens of windows. As you work on a project, feee History panel keeps kser of all your commands, operations, and changes. For more details, see Other Adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free Panels.
The workspace changes back to the original Essentials layout, even though you did your best to mess guife up. As shown in Figureдетальнее на этой странице you use the Essentials workspace, the Flash window is divvied up into three main work areas: adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free stage upper leftthe timeline lower leftand the panels dock right. Like most computer programs, Flash gives you menus to interact with your documents.
In traditional fashion, Windows menus appear at adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free top of the program window, можна libusb windows 10 кажется Mac menus are always at the very top of the screen. The commands on these menus list every way you can interact with your Flash file, from creating a new file—as shown on Starting Flash —to editing it, saving it, and controlling how it appears on your screen.
Using these menu choices, you can perform basic tasks peofessional opening, saving, and printing your Flash files; cutting and pasting artwork or text; viewing your project in different ways; choosing which toolbars to view; getting help; and more. If you prefer, you can also drag down to the option you want.
Let go of the mouse button to activate the option. Figure shows you what the File menu looks like. Most of the time, you see the same menus at the top of adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free screen, adobe flash professional cs6 user guide pdf free occasionally they change. For example, when you use the Debugger to troubleshoot ActionScript programs, Flash hides some of the menus not related to debugging.
For a quick reference to all the menu options, see Appendix B.