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Customer represents and warrants that all information provided to MarkMonitor or DigiCert shall be true and accurate, and Customer acknowledges that digital certificates may not operate or perform correctly if Customer does not submit true and accurate information.
The only warranties applicable to the Digital Certificate Services are those provided directly by DigiCert to Customer, if any, in the Subscriber Agreement. Term and Termination. The Digital Certificate Services shall commence upon the receipt by MarkMonitor of the applicable fees for such Digital Certificate Services as agreed between the parties. The Digital Certificate Services shall terminate if Customer cancels all applicable digital certificates purchased through MarkMonitor, or upon the natural expiration of all digital certificates, whichever date shall occur later.
DigiCert reserves the right to modify, amend, revoke, or otherwise change digital certificates as permitted by their Subscriber Agreement or applicable industry standards, guidelines and requirements related to the issuance of certificates. As the leading global provider of brand protection for the enterprise, MarkMonitor is committed to providing high quality Customer Service and we aim to resolve complaints quickly, fairly and efficiently.
To notify MarkMonitor of your complaint please contact us via email at compliance markmonitor. MarkMonitor will use all reasonable efforts to provide you with a response to your complaint as soon as possible. You can also contact auDA, the regulatory body for. Their contact details are available at www. This is provided at S2.
The WHOIS service allows internet users to query a domain name to find out the identity and contact details of the registrant. A Domain Name Application in the form prescribed under the Registry is not a guarantee of an applied for domain name registration. All the relevant registration regulations, rules and policies will be posted on the Registry website www. The registration agreement shall further require that this indemnification obligation survive the termination or expiration of the registration agreement.
A Registrant licensing use of a Registered. Name according to this provision shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Registered Name, unless it discloses the current contact information provided by the licensee and the identity of the licensee within seven 7 days to a party providing the Registrant reasonable evidence of actionable harm.
Their website is located here: www. If you have any comments or complaints on the registrar please contact them here: info hkirc. Documents and information of the registrant organization and contact person provided for the domain application shall be authentic and accurate. ICP number shall be provided to the domain name registrar when available. Customer accept full responsibility for the suspension of domain name s or any consequences caused by the violation of the commitment by our company and understand that CNNIC and the Registrar undertakes no responsibility in the event that it needs to interrupt the usage of the Domain Name.
By registering a. Information that appears in the Registry Database and that the designated administrative contact is authorised to receive all such communication and information. You also agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance to the MarkMonitor and Registry Operator privacy policies. The Registrant of the domain name in question, declares under their own responsibility that they are:. Terms and conditions, and acquisition of consent for the processing of data for the registration of the domain name and for visibility on the Internet.
In addition to the personal data collected by filling in the form, where the transaction is done electronically, the IP address from which the connection originates on the Internet relating to filling in the online form by the Registrant will also be detected and stored along with the log of the relative transaction. This is done in order to identify the Registrant in connection with the personal information and statements given by the Registrant. Personal data, the above-mentioned IP address and the log of the transaction are mandatory information.
The mandatory information collected will be treated for purposes of administrative and accounting management, protection of rights and other objectives and activities related to registration, management, dispute, transfer and cancellation of the domain name, and for compliance with requirements of the law, regulations or EU legislation and disclosed to third parties for ancillary or necessary activities to ensure the accomplishment of those objectives.
The data will not be used nor disclosed to third parties for any marketing purposes. With the exception of the IP address, the data will also be communicated to third parties who purport to want to act to protect individual rights in relation to the Registrant in connection with the registration or use of the domain name.
For the purposes of this disclosure, the consent to treatment for the purposes of registration refers to all these activities taken as a whole. Giving consent for the purposes of registration is optional, but if no consent is given, it will not be possible to finalize the registration, assignment and management of the domain name.
Upon a separate agreement, via a Whois query the following will also be visible via the Internet: domain name, address of residence or head office of the Registrant along with their telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. For the purposes of this disclosure, the consent for access and dissemination via the Internet is only for the latter activities and types of data. Giving consent for accessibility and dissemination via the Internet is optional.
Not giving consent does not preclude the registration but only public visibility via Whois queries of these data, within the limits defined above. More information on how to query the Registry Database is available on the website of the Registry: www.
The interested party can exercise their rights under Art. The interested party, after reading the above disclosure, gives consent to the processing of information required for registration, as defined in the above disclosure.
Giving consent is optional, but if no consent is given, it will not be possible to finalize the registration, assignment and management of the domain name. Consent to the processing of personal data for diffusion and accessibility via the Internet. The interested party, after reading the above disclosure, gives consent to the dissemination and accessibility via the Internet, as defined in the disclosure above.
Giving consent is optional, but absence of consent does not allow the dissemination and accessibility of Internet data. If you are a Registered Name Holder and would like to notify us of your complaint related to Registrar Services please contact us via email at compliance markmonitor.
Legitimate complaints and disputes involving Registrar Services will be addressed and responded to accordingly. We will respond to your email within 3 business days. If you are a Registered Name Holder with an account or domain question please contact your designated Client Services Manager.
They will respond to your email within 3 business days. If you are a Registered Name Holder and would like to notify us of your complaint please contact us via email at compliance markmonitor. Consent will be sought at the time of completing the online registration with MarkMonitor.
Registrant Terms and Conditions. BAR Terms and Conditions. INK Terms and Conditions. Uniregistry Registrant Terms and Conditions. BID Terms and Conditions. UNO Terms and Conditions. ONL Terms and Conditions. NYC Terms and Conditions. AXA Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions. Radix Terms and Conditions. GOP Terms and Condition. SOY Terms and Conditions. CYMRU and.
As such the Parties to this agreement acknowledge and agree that the third party beneficiary rights of the Registry have vested and that the Registry has relied on its third party beneficiary rights under this Agreement in agreeing to MarkMonitor Inc. Additionally, the third party beneficiary rights of the Registry shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Customer also referred to herein as potential registrant or registrant or applicant agrees that:.
Applicant agrees to continuously comply with the ERPR, as may be amended from time to time; and. Customer also acknowledges having read and understood and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Registration Agreement:. If Customer collects and maintains sensitive health and financial data they must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable law,.
Customer must provide administrative contact information, which must be kept up to date, for the notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse, as well as the contact details of the relevant regulatory, or industry self-regulatory, bodies in their main place of business.
Registrant will comply with all applicable laws, including those that relate to privacy, data collection, consumer protection including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct , fair lending, debt collection, organic farming, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures.
Registrant acknowledges and agrees that Registry Operator and Registrar reserves the right i to deny, suspend, cancel, delete, transfer, or deny the transfer of any registration or transaction, or place any domain name s on registry lock, hold or similar status, as they deem necessary, in their unlimited and sole discretion, ii to comply with specifications adopted by ICANN, its affiliates, or any industry group generally recognized as authoritative with respect to the Internet e.
Registrant agrees that Registrar and Registry operator may collect and use their Personal Data as required to provide the domain name services. BANK and. The Registered Name Holder is prohibited from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and consequences for such activities, include suspension of the domain name.
The Registered Name Holder expressly agrees to this at the time of the initial registration of the Registered Name. Registration in the. Validation Data must be provided as requested from time to time by the Registry. Registrant certifies, prior to check out or collection of any registration fees, that Registrant is qualified to register the domain and that all provided information is true and accurate. Validation may occur for each registration year.
Registry may periodically re-verify accreditation at no additional cost. By registering a domain name with ShortDot S. The Code of Conduct for the. By undertaking registration of the domain name under these terms and conditions, Registrant hereby acknowledges and provides consent to disclosure, transfer, and the use of certain Registrant Whois Data in accordance with the Privacy Protection Regulations Transfer of Data Outside of Israel — If you are collecting and maintaining sensitive health and financial data, you must comply with applicable laws on the provision of such services and including security measures applicable to that sector.
You acknowledge and agree that RO reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name s on registry lock, hold or similar status, that it deems necessary, in its discretion; 1 to protect the integrity and stability of the registry; 2 to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or any dispute resolution process; 3 to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of RO, as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and employees and those of Registry Services Provider; 4 per the terms of the Registration Agreement or 5 to correct mistakes made by RO or any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration.
RO also reserves the right to place upon registry lock, hold or similar status a domain name during resolution of a dispute.
RO will provide Registrar notice via EPP command, email or phone call of any cancelation, transfers, changes or registry lock made to any registration by RO in respect of a domain sponsored by the Registrar. Giving brands the ultimate certainty on trademarks through industry leading content and expertise. MarkMonitor helps establish and protect the online presence of the world’s leading brands — and the billions who use them.
One of the world’s largest collections of industry codes and standards plus powerful tools for standards management. Contact us. Domain Management Terms and Conditions. Third Party Beneficiary Neulevel is an intended third party beneficiary of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement with rights to enforce this Agreement.
You will cooperate in good faith with NeuLevel or MarkMonitor in investigating instances of non-compliance with this Agreement, if NeuLevel or MarkMonitor believes in good faith that you are not in compliance with this Agreement. BIZ Restrictions Registrations in the. For purposes of the. BIZ Certification As a. For more information on the. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate.
This information includes i your full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available; ii the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation; iii the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver s for the domain name; iv the corresponding names of those nameservers; v the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name; vi the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name; vii the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and viii any remark concerning the registered domain name that should appear in the Whois directory.
Inaccurate or Unreliable Data. You hereby represent and warrant that the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all the information provided up to date. Your willful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, your willful failure promptly to update information provided to us, or any failure to respond for over five calendar days to our inquiries addressed to the e-mail address of the administrative, billing or technical contact when appearing in the Whois directory with respect to a domain name concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with any registration s or the registration of any domain name s registered by or through you or your account, shall constitute a breach of this agreement.
Domain Name Dispute Policy If you reserved or registered a. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with that policy. Indemnification of Registrar and Registry Operator.
You acknowledge and agree that Affilias, the. You acknowledge and agree that neither MarkMonitor nor the Registry Operator guarantee that you will be able to register your requested. Governing Law. With iExplorer, you can access more files and folders without modifying jailbreaking your device than ever before.
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